Treant Description Quiz

Welcome to the treant description quiz. The treant is a species of sentient tree. These creatures live in the forests and speak for the trees. They are as long-lived as the forests themselves, and they see themselves as shepherds of their flock. Their slow and methodical movements make them frightening, but they are not aggressive, and they rarely look for human companionship. They tolerate pupils who wish to protect the forest and learn.

As a solitary creature, treants prefer to stay in their own space. They can grow up to eight feet tall, and their base AC is 16. Their AC does not depend on their Dexterity modifier. They have a 16-stack AC, but they can use a shield to add an additional bonus. Their ability to communicate with humans and other creatures is limited, but they can understand basic concepts and ideas.

The treant is a good natured creature. They tend to live alone, but they can band together when the situation calls for it. Unlike humans, they have no hierarchy, and they measure their actions by morality. They are usually silent, and they are not particularly aggressive, but they can be violent if they want to. If they have to fight, they will do it to protect their territory.

What is your Treant Description?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Treant Description is.