Tuareg Name Quiz

Welcome to the tuareg name quiz. Have you ever wondered what the Tuareg people's names are? They are nomadic people, whose culture includes varying levels of wealth and social status, as well as differing attitudes toward religion, life, and the world. There are several common themes associated with Tuareg names. To take the Tuareg name quiz, simply answer the questions in the space provided.

A typical Tuareg name consists of a combination of the first and last letters of your name, with two or three additional letters. The first two letters are the same, making it easy to identify a person by their name alone. The final letter represents a voiced velar fricative, which is usually written as a 'g' in Latin-based Tuareg orthography. This is the same as the first 'h' in Imuhagh.

The Tuareg have a tradition of offering prayer at the graveside, known as iwichken. During this time, relatives gather at the home of the deceased, where the marabout offers a prayer and blessing. Then, the family and friends eat a memorial feast together. The Tuareg have elaborate greetings, such as 'Oy ik?' (meaning "how are you?" in the Air regional dialect) and 'Mani eghiwan' ("how are you?") and 'Alkher ghas', which means 'in health only'.

What is your Tuareg Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Tuareg Name is.