Wakfu Eliatrope Name Quiz

Welcome to the wakfu eliatrope name quiz. The Wakfu are a race of people who inhabit the Dofus and the Vakfu universes. They have a human appearance but are recognizable by their horn-like hats. The most famous Eliatrope is Yugo, who became king after Chibi's death. The Wakfu are primarily concerned with portals and are often known as 'portals'. Their names are usually two or three syllables in length and usually end with an a. They are softer overall.

In the world of the Tofu, the Brotherhood of the Tofu has a new mission. Yugo the eliatrope hopes to discover the truth about his people, while the rest face new threats. Evangelyne is lured by specters and must find a way to imprison Rubilax.

You are a member of a shape-shifting race, so you should know your wakfu by your name. The wakfu is the source of all magic and elves. To use your wakfu, you need to have complete control over it. This is why Eliatropes can enter battle mode. In battle mode, they enhance their speed, strength, and eliatrope control. They also cover their bodies in markings.

Yugo is the 12-year-old Eliatrope, who only recently discovered her powers. She lives with her adoptive father Alfired, and has no memory of her real family. She is a master of teleportation portals and is able to move at high speeds. She has the ability to create beams from the portals. In the second season of the series, she becomes the King of the Emrub.

What is your Wakfu Eliatrope Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wakfu Eliatrope Name is.