Wakfu Foggernaut Name Quiz

Welcome to the wakfu foggernaut name quiz. The humanoid robots of the world of Stasili are known as "Foggernauts," and their names are often inspired by various locations or myths. They are also known for their peaceful nature, and their names reflect that as well. Among the many unique and creative ways to name a Foggernaut, you can also consider its history or geography.

The class name Wakfu means "Fog," and its description is descriptive, as is the name for the character. The class's other traits are its use of stasis weapons, and its abilities are determined by time. The classes are divided into three categories: Xelor, Xelh, and Ouginak. The Xelor, as you might have guessed, uses the same skills as the Yokozun.

The Foggernaut's name is short for fog, which is the name of the class's origin. The word 'foggernaut' is derived from the latin word 'nautes', which means'sailer.' Its attacks are not affected by mastery damage and resists. The Foggernaut's unique abilities in PvP have given this class an entirely new tactical option. Using a 'foggernaut' class, players can unleash large area attacks and even create blockades.

Which Wakfu Foggernaut class should you play? Do you have an idea? Do you have a favorite? Do you have a favorite class? What is its backstory? What are its strengths? Do you want to be a medic? A dedicated medic is one of the main roles in Wakfu, so be sure to make the right choice for your role.

What is your Wakfu Foggernaut Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wakfu Foggernaut Name is.