Wakfu Shushu Name Quiz

Welcome to the wakfu shushu name quiz. To answer the question "What is my wakfu shusu name?" you need to answer some basic questions about yourself. Once you've completed the quiz, you'll know your wakfu shusu name. If you are unsure of your wakfu shusu's meaning, you can change it by using a different one. A unique, recognizable, and memorable name can make your child more creative.

Do you have a special connection with a wakfu dofu? If so, you may be the next Shaolin monk! The wakfu dofus shus have the ability to voluntarily yield their bodies to others. However, they do not release victims without force. In some cases, the guardians transform into Shushu while keeping control of their actions. The Wakfu shus' host bodies undergo a fast transformation, gaining heightened strength and agility. They also usually change their size and voice.

The shushus that live inside the objects used by wakfu shushus are often chaotic, evil, and dangerous. Their life force is based on stasis, making them naturally destructive. This does not mean that all shushus are bad; in fact, they can do good. If you can identify with a shushus, it's highly likely that you're a wakfu shushus.

What is your Wakfu Shushu Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wakfu Shushu Name is.