Wakfu Xelor Name Quiz

Welcome to the wakfu xelor name quiz. Getting a wakfu xelor name is easy; take our quiz to find out! There are literally thousands of Xelor names, and you can make your own with your favorite facts. Besides, if you don't know what you're looking for, you can also take a look at the other Xelor names.

The Xelor are robot-like humanoids that are governed by a Divine Clock. Their creations began with the Timemites. They have been around for centuries. The first human beings were called Adamai, a shape-shifting dragon. The Xelor's story is set in the Ancient Egyptian Empire, and the Xelor are the descendants of the first humans.

Xelor's followers were created in the image of the god, and they love to play with time. They are obsessed with clockwork mechanisms, and they cannot bear to see seconds or enemies slip through their fingers. However, they are not as easily controlled as the characters of the series. They use bug drones and are constantly on guard to protect their flock.

Taking a Wakfu Xelor Name Quizz will help you choose a character in the game that best suits your personality. You can take this quiz to find out your Xelor name. By taking the quiz, you will discover the Xelor names of other Wakfu players. You'll be surprised by the results!

What is your Wakfu Xelor Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wakfu Xelor Name is.