Warhammer 40k Chaos Name Quiz

Welcome to the warhammer 40k chaos name quiz. You've probably heard of the Chaos Gods, but do you really know what their names mean? These deities manifested in the universe when chaotic energies began to develop. There are four main names for the Chaos Gods, and they fit both males and females. Here's a look at their personalities, and which one best fits you.

The Lord of Chaos is also known as Kranon the Relentless. This dreadful character was once a powerful Space Marine named Sevastus Kranon. He was the Chapter Master of the Crimson Sabres Chapter of Space Marines, but his followers fell into heresy after the massacre of the Umidia civilization. The voices of those murdered prompted him to take action, and he was banished from the Legion he had hoped to protect.

Kossolax is a leader of a large army of Khornate Berserkers. He was once Sergeant Solax of the World Eaters' 3rd Assault Company. His army led an attack on Hive Vidros and killed the evil Harlequin Solitaire. The first-born Chaos Lord Bane was named Kossolax, and he served as his second.

What is your Warhammer 40k Chaos Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Warhammer 40k Chaos Name is.