Warhammer 40k Tau Name Quiz

Welcome to the warhammer 40k tau name quiz. If you've never been in the universe of Warhammer 40k, you may be wondering what a Tau name is. The T'au are a young race, but possess a strong technological advantage. They're generally peaceful and massed infantry, and their names are derived from the Greek letter tau. In the game, a Tau is the supreme leader of a horde, which they call "The High Ones". The High Emissives are another popular choice.

If you've always wanted to be a Tau, here's a quiz that can help you choose a name. The tau have four castes, starting with their home sept and caste rank, and then continuing with earned names. Other Tau have personal names, but they're mostly known by their caste and most important one.

The Tau's military force is led by the Air and Fire castes. These forces are based on the age-old methods of hunting, and are composed of people from the same sept. The Fire Caste leads these troops, while the Air caste fights alongside them. A Warhammer 40k Tau name is a fun way to express your personal style.

What is your Warhammer 40k Tau Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Warhammer 40k Tau Name is.