Weird Dream Quiz

Welcome to the weird dream quiz. Weird dreams aren't uncommon, and they can be very vivid. Often, they last for days or even years, depending on the subject. According to The New York Times, the number of people having weird dreams is increasing. In April, there was an increase in the number of Google searches for "why am I having weird dreams." Taking the Weird Sleep Quiz can help you identify your own dream type and make it easier to understand what it means. If you have a Weird DREAM about a bug, it's highly likely you're having a nightmare about bugs. In fact, people from all over the world have a dream about bugs. In fact, most people have at least one bug dream per month. Having a nightmare about a flying pig is a common occurrence amongst those with bad teeth. There are several reasons why people dream about bugs. Many people dream of being attacked, chased, or falling. Others have dreams about arriving late, flying, and being naked in public. Dr. Barrett explained that many of these strange and unusual dreams are symbolic of a threatening situation. However, we may not always be aware of them. In such cases, our subconscious interprets them as metaphors.

What is your Weird Dream?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Weird Dream is.