Wildstar Cassian Name Quiz

Welcome to the wildstar cassian name quiz. The name is derived from the ancient Eldan name, and is also known as the wolf, the leopard, the hare, and other animals. As humans, the name comes in two forms: highborn and lowborn. The highborn version has names influenced by the ancient Greek and Roman languages, while the lowborn version is typically English or variations of one's real name.

Eris Volare is a Cassian and an Exile posing as an Exile. She was born on Nexus and raised in the highest strata of the planet. Her home world of Cassus is only visited a few times, but she loves Nexus. Her parents came from the High Families and her father serves in the Radiant Legion of the Vigilant Church.

The Spymaster is a member of the Mechari race. Her special abilities make her an excellent spy. She has excellent intelligence and is the father of the Six Scions. She was a scientist and a royal agent. She emphasizes zoology, archaeology, and astronomy, and her appearance is unique from all other Mechari.

A member of the Vigilant Church, a human-Eldan hybrid who bears powerful Eldan technology, is the most popular name for a Cassian. The name implies a strong female figure. She wished to be Tresayne when she was young. It was her mother that taught her to pilot the ship and became a leader. However, in her early years, Eris had a crush on the Eldan.

What is your Wildstar Cassian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wildstar Cassian Name is.