Wildstar Mordesh Name Quiz

Welcome to the wildstar mordesh name quiz. Using a name generator is a great way to find a unique Wildstar Mordesh name that's perfect for you. There are plenty of options, and the best part is that you can get a variety of different options just by clicking a button! It's also a great way to come up with your own unique name if you've been stumped by the choices provided.

The Mordesh were once considered the most advanced race on the planet, but the Everlife Elixir turned them into a virulent and omnipresent infection. While the Dominion quarantined them, the Allies were able to smuggle some out of the planet and use them as a pawn in the war against the Dominion. They have been relentless in their fight against the Dominion, and they're a dangerous and deadly foe.

The Mordesh's most famous creations were the Everlife Elixir and the Contagion. While the Everlife Elixir was an instant rejuvenation drug, the Contagion was a powerful disease that drove the Mordesh mad. The Black Hoods were responsible for the outbreak, but a Mordesh serum called Vitalus stalwarts delayed the effects of the contagion. Using telekinesis and other means, they fought back and were able to contain several of the disease outbreaks with limited resources.

What is your Wildstar Mordesh Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Wildstar Mordesh Name is.