Woody Allen Quote Quiz

Welcome to the woody allen quote quiz. The famous American writer and director Woody Allen is known for his hilarious and insightful sayings. Take our quiz and discover the perfect quote for you! You'll be amazed at how much you know about the man himself! You can even test your knowledge of movies by taking his famous Woody quotes. Which one is your favorite? There are many to choose from and each one is true!

The artist is often critical of his own sex and their relationship with God. This quote, which was a parody of a famous Jackson Pollock painting, was featured in a New York Times article about Woody Allen's "Woody's Year" in 1969. It was written by a gay man who had joked about cheating on his metaphysics exam by looking into the soul of the boy next to him. His comic routine was often based on historical dramas and bullet-stopping Russian novels.

Which Woody Allen Quote is right for you? The best way to find out if you're a true Allenite is to take our quiz and find out. There are many interesting and humorous quotes by Woody Allen and you can find the perfect one for you. You may even find it funny to share them with friends and family at dinner parties. You'll never go wrong by using them as your talking points.

What is your Woody Allen Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Woody Allen Quote is.