Work Excuse Quiz

Welcome to the work excuse quiz. You have to answer the question "What is your Work Excuse?" in order to keep your job. A well-crafted work excuse can save you from the ire of your manager. Here are some tips to avoid falling into the trap of over-use: Select a good story; be truthful, and avoid elaborate lies. Also, make sure to maintain composure, and avoid showing any lack of confidence. You can use a reasonable excuse to take time off for illness or personal emergencies. For example, if you saw a truck dump flour on your laptop and convertible, you can use this excuse. But be careful - it's not an acceptable reason. The more lies you have, the less plausible your excuse is - and the manager will likely call you out for it. Hence, you should try to keep your excuses simple. Consider the nature of the event. Suppose you're out hunting and a deer swarmed your car, causing you to miss work. It's an excuse that's acceptable to most employers - but it's not a valid one. An emergency requiring medical attention doesn't need a doctor's note. The situation may be temporary, but the situation will still result in a bill from the company. If it's an emergency, the employer is likely to understand. If a deer swoops over your car, don't cite that excuse.

What is your Work Excuse?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Work Excuse is.