World Of Warcraft Saberon Name Quiz

Welcome to the world of warcraft saberon name quiz. The saberon are a ferocious species of humanoids native to the lands of Draenor. Their names reflect their harsh and ferocious nature. This quiz will give you ten random suggestions for your character's name. Using the results, you can then choose which of the ten sounds best for your character.

The saberon race is an incredibly diverse group of creatures. This mages-like race has adapted to many habitats and environments in Draenor. Each saberon can increase his or her Strength or Dexterity scores by two. This mages-like race reaches adulthood at about fifteen and lives for 50 years. Their tribal affiliation makes them a great match for those interested in the lawful side of the conflict. The saberon have a base walking speed of 30 feet and can climb at a rate of 30 feet. They have large clawed paws and a long, spiky tail.

The saberon are large, omnivorous humanoids. They are known for their fierce fighting abilities and have adapted to many environments throughout the world of Draenor. They reach adulthood at the age of fifteen and live to fifty, but are not particularly moral or lawful. Their base walking speed is 30 feet and they have a climbing speed of thirty feet. They use natural weapons and are excellent climbers.

What is your World Of Warcraft Saberon Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your World Of Warcraft Saberon Name is.