World Of Warcraft Saurok Name Quiz

Welcome to the world of warcraft saurok name quiz. A saurok is a reptilian humanoid who was created by the mogu. The mogu made the sauroks smart and able to use weapons. This culture gave them the ability to hunt, fight, and breed. Once the mogu were fed up with the sauroks, they turned on them, and Emperor Dojan ordered the eradication of the saurok. However, the eradication was not successful, and many mogu were left behind.

The lizards have a unique trait. They are four-legged and have a tail. They are known as felstalkers and manastalkers, and are renowned for their destructive power. The beasts are incredibly intelligent and have the ability to absorb magic from other creatures. They are also extremely dangerous. This is why their names are based on their abilities to steal magic.

The saurok is a mythical creature. It is thought that the creatures were first created in the Saurok Creation Pit during the reign of Lei Shen, and that the Throne of Thunder was abandoned. It is not known why the creatures were abandoned, but it is speculated that the humans were responsible for the Sauroks.

What is your World Of Warcraft Saurok Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your World Of Warcraft Saurok Name is.