Zen Quote Quiz

Welcome to the zen quote quiz. Regardless of your life philosophy, you can always find a Zen quote to help you in your daily life. You can also take a quiz to find out your favorite quote. The best quotes can inspire you to live a more peaceful life. You'll find that you will have greater peace of mind. This will help you deal with difficult situations in your life. So, take this quiz and find out what your favorite Zen quote is. The Tao of Jeet Kune Do contains snippets from Zen texts. It was this book that introduced me to Zen. "The void is all-inclusive and without an opposite," says Shunryu Suzuki. The void is filled with power, life, and the love of all human beings. Insightfulness is the highest form of wisdom. It's a practice of total presence. The famous Zen master Eihei Dogen teaches a way of life based on the philosophy of the void. Rather than thinking about the void as a dead emptiness, we focus on the void. The emptiness contains all the power, love, and compassion we have for every human being. The void, he claims, is the source of all things.

What is your Zen Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Zen Quote is.