Zombie Type Quiz

Welcome to the zombie type quiz. If you've ever watched a horror movie or read a zombie book, you know that the world is overrun with zombies. To survive in this world, you'll need to determine which type you are. This test will tell you what you're like before you get bitten. There are many different types, each with different powers and skills. Take the quiz below to find out your personality type!

You've probably seen zombie movies or TV shows about the dead. You know what zombies are. They're the ones that walk around, slither in a corner, and attack in groups. They're social and resilient, and they can't be killed by one person. This quiz will determine your zombie personality! If you think you're a walker, you should prepare yourself for some tough times.

If you think you're a walker zombie, you're right! They're the kind of zombies that are most likely to attack in groups. These creatures are tough and resistant, and they tend to attack people in groups. If you're a walker, you can't survive alone! You'll need a group to help you survive, and this quiz is an easy way to test your zombie-fighting skills!

What is your Zombie Type?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Zombie Type is.