Charles Eisenstein Quote Quiz Results

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Your Charles Eisenstein Quote is:


"I spoke recently with Kalle Lasn, the founder of the radical magazine Adbusters and a man who has devoted his entire life to promoting and practicing hands-on activism. He told me that for some time now he hasn't been spending much time on politics or the magazine because he is taking care of his ninety-five-year-old mother-in-law. He said, 'Taking care of her is far more important to me than all my other work put together.' Kalle agreed with me when I said, 'Our worldview must accommodate the truth and importance of this.' My dear reader, can you countenance a reality in which to save the planet, we have to neglect our ninety-five-year-old mother-in-law? There must be a place in our understanding of how the universe works for the intimate, uncalculated acts of service that are such a beautiful part of our humanity. Is Kalle to trust his feeling that in taking care of this old woman he is doing something significant? Do you not know in your bones that any belief system that denies that significance must be part of the problem? Can you bear to live in a world in which what he is doing doesn't matter?" - Charles Eisenstein


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