
New Age Bullshit

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What is the difference between a spiritual teacher and a Buffet-table approach to religion and spirituality? I will outline a few points to help you differentiate between the two. It's not hard to see why people get so confused. After all, a great teacher is someone who points you in the right direction. Great insight isn't always visible, but must be pondered. Spirituality comes from within. But we have become lost in the modern world's new-age farce.


Many people have the misconception that Tantra is some kind of lewd sexual practice. That's simply not the case. Tantra is an ancient spiritual science which looks at the whole person in terms of their desires for material things. In other spiritual traditions, worldly pleasures and spiritual aspirations are mutually exclusive. Tantra reconciles worldly pleasures with spiritual beliefs. It's not uncommon for people attracted to Tantra to have natural desires for material things. But without practicing Tantra, these desires may be ignored or turned into hypocrisy.

The nondualist Shaiva Tantra explains the nature of the Divine in two words: visvarupa, or singular Divine Consciousness. The body of God is everything you touch, see, or feel, including yourself. However, the essence of the Divine is transcendent and can never be described. Even the greatest poets and spiritual masters cannot describe this aspect to others without personal experience. So, the question is, "Is Tantra New Age Bullshit?"

One of the most fundamental things to understand about Tantra is that it requires concentration. Whether you are practicing it for personal or spiritual purposes, you must be committed to the process. Otherwise, you may end up harming yourself. And in the case of the latter, you may never realize the damage you have done. So, if you're wondering whether or not Tantra is New Age Bullshit, read this book.

Despite the fact that Tantra is a new age phenomenon, it can help you overcome the barriers you face to living a happier life. For example, if you want to make your heart open, or make your mind razor sharp, you can practice Tantra. Similarly, if you're a man, you can use Tantra to gradually develop your masculine aspects. This is called Vira-consciousness and it helps men discover their inner Shiva.

Buffet-table approach to religion and spirituality

In this age of consumer culture, the Buffet-table approach to religion and spirituality may be the most effective way to build a faith. Instead of trying to figure out a complicated philosophy, focus on developing your full spiritual potential. Having compassion for others, compassion for the earth, and contentment are all valuable qualities that will make your spiritual path successful. But if you're seeking something more profound than this, it's time to look outside of the buffet.


If you've been paying attention to world politics lately, you've probably noticed that the world is heading back toward a more tribal system. In fact, we're seeing a resurgence of tribalism in American politics. Before nation states, most of the world was tribal. Before they existed, tribes were unified by language, religion, and blood, and often fought each other for resources. The idea of tribal competition is written into human DNA.

While New Age beliefs promote empathic thinking, ecological awareness, and individuality, they often lead to tribalism. The New Age movement is just another form of tribalism, which isn't good. Nor does it confer any special wisdom or awareness to its practitioners. New Agers are just as superficial and shallow as the rest of us. But that's a very minor criticism. The real question is: is New Age literacy really a bad thing?

Buffet-table approach to spirituality

The New Age movement is renowned for self-promotion. Some leading figures argue that it is unfair to judge the entire movement by a small number of uncouth, irrational, or even bizarre practices. Such a view obscures the genuine spirituality of the movement. But is it really fair? And is the New Age movement as a whole as bad as some critics make it out to be?

One of the characteristics of the New Age is its emphasis on the dynamic energies of the universe, such as God, love, and light. While many people identify these things as mystical or spiritual, it is often unclear how they apply to everyday life. In the New Age, spirituality has two components, one metaphysical and the other practical. The metaphysical component is derived from New Age esoteric sources, and it is essentially a form of gnosis.

The New Age movement has created many books, including books by renowned authors. Some of these include "the Jesus of the New Age" by Juan Carlos Urrea Viera, "Le New Age" by Jean Vernette, and "New Age: The Science of the Future" by Marilyn Ferguson. Other works focus on the New Age as a whole. But while these texts are helpful for readers who are looking for a more in-depth view of the New Age, they often do not reflect the Christian faith.

This gnostic approach gives too much power to the mind and the intellect. The development of consciousness is essential for scientific discovery and creative development, but it cautions against imposing mental reality onto external reality. New Age philosophy is a credulous disaster. It has tampered with real Christianity. If it has any redeeming quality, it is its failure to provide a true spirituality. It is a Buffet-table approach to spirituality.

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