Round Earth Theory Quiz Results

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Your Round Earth Theory is:

" The horizon is the line at which the Earth's surface and the sky appear to meet. When ships sailing away disappear into the horizon, they do so bottom-first. The top vanishes later, which creates the illusion that the ship is sinking. Similarly, when ships appear from the horizon, the top appears first, and then the rest of the ship. If a spherical object is rotating, the rotation flattens out the middle, making the sphere wider across the equator and narrower across the poles. This is because, in the case of rapid spinning, the centripetal force overcomes the gravitational attraction trying to create a spherical shape. Engineers and architects also take the Earth's curvature into account when building large structures. A good example is the towers that support long suspension bridges such as the Verrazano Narrows bridge in New York City. Its towers are slightly out of parallel with each other, the tops being more than 1.5 inches further apart than their bases. "

Lizzie Christensen Ph.D. - Scientist. Professor at Dilige Nuclear Physics

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