Round Earth Theory Quiz Results

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Your Round Earth Theory is:

" If the Earth were a flat plane, its center of mass would be the center of the plane and the force of gravity will pull anything on the surface in that direction. This means that if you stand near the edge of the plane, gravity will be pulling you sideways toward the middle of the plane. It is impossible to flatten an orange peel without distorting it in some way (tearing, stretching etc.). Similarly, it is impossible to produce a 2D map of the Earth without introducing distortions in terms of shape, distance, direction or land area. If flat earthers believe in the government launching missles, then why don't they beileve in them launching people to orbit or the tens of thousands of pictures that we have seen from space, including 40 years of weather satellite pictures and video? "

Maria Saunders Ph.D. - Scientist. Associate Professor at Couras Earth Biochemistry

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